Allen's Biblical Distinction (Allen's Distinction)
The lion and the lamb shall lie down together, but the lamb won' t get much sleep.
Today, Not Much to report - just some Funny prof sayings
Our dumb Biomedical Signal Processing Prof - said this when we complained that a certain exam paper of his was too lengthy.
Examination is not for thinking
His vocabulary is very bad - he makes spelling mistakes often - and his grammar too is worse. For example - he said today
Please take down noteses properly
Other funny incidents in our college which liven up the atmosphere include
All of you must get above the class average
This was said by a Engineering Drawing professor to the students before the ED exam.
Another funny thing - a prof named A Mani has an email id as .Incidentally - he was our NCC drill sergeant and he gave us quite a few laughs - i am sure my friend Sudhon would remember it.
Gods are still crazy....