Alligator Principle
When you are up to your ass in alligators, it is difficult to remind yourself that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.
Have u ever had the experience of having to Xerox the notes from someone else - Probably u have . But have u ever been in the sending end of the notes i.e the person who is giving the notes for Xerox - I have been in that miserable situation for umpteen times but the case yesterday and the day b4 for an exam tomorrow was the worst . For the past one week - i have been giving my notes to evrybody else - recieving them only during that particular class in order to write them again.
Persons whom i have never seen in classes have approached me and asked for notes - I am not feeling particularly humble either, but the fact is that I am not getting my notes for enough time to study it. Probably I should take a Xerox of my own notes so that I can study it when somebody else has taken my notes.
All I am saying is that pleas attend the classes so that u dont have to depend on other's notes - think of how much misery you will be causing the person from whom you are taking the notes from - you are depreving him of valuable study time, you are making him worry abot whether he would return the notes in proper c Sondition or not - So think once b4 you bunk a class for want of laziness. So
Sudhon and all others, take care.