Army Axiom
Any order that can be misunderstood has been misunderstood.
Santa Singh's Plight
Recently i came across a cpl of jokes about Sardars...
Sardarji is buying a TV. He asks "Do you have color TVs?"
"Sure." ,replys the store owner.
"Give me a green one, please."
Sardarji calls Air India. "How long does it take to fly to Amritsar?"
"Just a sec," says the rep.
"Thank you." says the Sardarji and hangs up.
Before you think that this is going to be another Sardar mocking blog, plz wait...
This got me wondering (Rather I had done it many a times before but did not have an outlet to vent it) about why all this mocking "Singhs" start actually? Is it because they are fundamentally people of very low IQ's ? I am sure our Sardar friends here, there and everywhere would disagree with it entirely...
Is it because of our racial prejudice against the Sardars?. But havent we all got the feeling that we are all Indians, dont we?
Is it because we are so used to reading jokes about Singhs being very stupid that we have been trained (right from the time when we come to know who we are) to believe that the particular class of people are very stupid...
Or is there any other reason.
It is not that such a thing is absent in other societies - the most glaring examples being the portrayal of blondes as being intellectually inferior (See any Friends episode to believe it urself) inspite of the fact that they are very smart...
I still dont know the answer. Any comments or answers?