Army Law
If it moves, salute it; if it doesn't move, pick it up; if you can't pick it up, paint it.
Nothing much to write except for the fact that like sudhon, started to watch Friends , albeit a slightly older season. Never fails to get my mood up.
Took his test today - guess what - I do have a bit of Ross going on
The puppy-dog eyes are just the beginning. Your Ross-like, brainy, charm can be devastatingly lovable. And like a certain unlucky-in-love paleontologist, you don't even know it! You do deserve some sympathy though, because, hey, it's hard not to come off as a know-it-all when you really do know it all. But there's more to your Ross-iness than what's stored in your head.
On the whole, people can see through whatever slight insecurities you may have because they just can't conceal your ultra-sweet nature, and deep-rooted, romantic, old-fashioned values. Oh yeah, and the monkey likes you best!
I am writing here the converstion I had with my father about the fact whether I was "single" or "other". (which my father had faithfully saved and then to add up the embarrasment, he mailed it to all my cousins, who sent me equally amusing replies. In fact I didnt get this piece directly 4m my father
sathishcj: Is the name on my passport Sathish Jothikumar?
jothikumarcb: it should be so, check up with mom
jothikumarcb: look into the passport
jothikumarcb: in passport, the name is always written in full
sathishcj: Is my marital status Single or Other?
jothikumarcb: so it should be SATHISH JOTHIKUMAR
jothikumarcb: call up mom and find out
sathishcj: (stan application)
jothikumarcb: it should be single only (i dont know if anything happened after my leaving for ***** ???????)
jothikumarcb: you have doubts on yourself man
jothikumarcb: anyway confirm with mom
sathishcj: what will she know
jothikumarcb: if you had told her anything, then she will know the position
jothikumarcb: actually, the status should be UNMARRIED
jothikumarcb: or NOT MARRIED
sathishcj: There is no unmarried
Apart from that, Having hols for the next 4 days. Will host my web site by Friday. Will inform u ppl.