Blauw's Law
Established technology tends to persist in spite of new technology.
Well, I had taken a course called German Studies, which was supposed to be on study of German culture and political/cultural history. (Why German is at all being taught in our institute - thats a different story. It was because, during the early stages of my college, it was aided a lot by the German Government and its educational system, hence we have certain subjects related to Germany and German. In fact, I studied German language for one year. Enough of the digression)
What I was coming to tell you was this. The prof who teaches that course is too much of a thinker. He has a great command over the English ( and the German language) and wields it to a great extent.
In the previous class of his two Thursday's before, he wanted to, rather, tried to talk about German cultural history from 1750 till 2000. He tried a bit too hard, I must say. He started by saying that
ideas and
ideologies are the bases behind any culture. Thats it. Whatever he had said for the next two hours went completely over my head. He started talking about
bourgeois principles, individualism, communism ,feudalism, adoloscent
enlightenment and he kept on going. Everytime he found a new exciting phrase, he made sure that he used it in the next five to ten sentences he spoke.
A most confusing incongrous summary of what he had said :
It is a discussion of a proletariat life in a bourgeois egalitarian society doing feudal work in a post-modernistic neo-classical age"
Had it been any other person, he/she would have falled asleep. Being me, I just barely managed to stay awake. All his sayings were so confusing and incoherent that I could not bear it.
I somehow just managed to survive another class of his. It was very fortunate, because, it was in this class that he managed to talk something related to the German Cultural history - the French Revolution. Atleast he managed to get into the rite continent. I was happy about that.
But still, too much droning on the French Revolution can put any body to sleep (which in fact he had already done - by the time the class got over, some were already sleeping). Again, I managed to stay awake. But to finish up, I must say that this class was much better than the previous one.
On a happier note, I am having loads of fun with my writer - what with having to reboot my system many times, and ending up with burnt tea coasters that I would have happily used for some other purposes.