I am the alpha and the omega
March 06, 2004
Borstelmann's Rule
If everything seems to be coming your way, you're probably in the wrong lane.

When it rains, it pours
That statement perhaps summarizes the joui de vivre that is the current state of mine. This week has been a very good week for me.
Firstly, I do believe that I have got an admission from the University of Washington, where I had applied for a MS in Electrical Engineering. But I am going to do what is called Inverse Bumping in the IIT lingo - i.e.refusing their offer of admission. The reason behind what you may think as a foolish decision (After all, who would want to give up an offer of admission, with aid) is that that univ is a slightly low ranked university, and it doesn't have a history of IITians going there; even though it is rolling in funds and does seem to have done some good work. I will still have to ponder over it. Also, you may already know of the RICE offer. The third reason being that, a proferssor from the University of California at Santa Barbara has contacted me, enquiring whether I would be interested in doing a Ph.D under him. The group he heads there is a pretty big group, and has done lots of interesting work. Probably thats where my mindset is, rite now. If I do confirm it, I mite end up going there with, hopefully, a Teaching Assistantship or a Research Assistantship.
Even though I would like have liked to continue in Biomedical Engineering, the hint of the offer from UCSB seems to be better. But if I get offers from Georgia Tech or John Hopkins University or University of Texas, Austin, I would have to forget this offer too. Lets not the hopes too high up, anyways.
Also, I would like to take the time to mention that even though I got rejected by IIM-Bangalore, IIM-Ahmedabad and IIM-Calcutta, I have got an acceptance from IIM-Lucknow. I know it is not too much, but something is better than nothing. But I may not go to the Group Discussion and Interview Stage at Bangalore.

Yesterday (Friday), I undertook the journey to the amusement park that goes by the famous name of MGM - Dizzie World, a place about 25 km from the city of Chennai. It was a part of a treat given by certain colleagues of mine, who ended up contributing about 2.5k towards it. The gumbal that went there totalled 13. I was the last one to join, but it was never an unlucky event.
Though late to reach there, due to communication problems (Imagine, in the age of cell phones, people having communication difficulties), we ended there only at around 12:30 pm.
We subjected our bodily possessions to many intense rides, one after another. By the end of a total of 6 rides, 6 of the guys conked out. There was no hope of rescuing them until the lunch we had. The entire evening was spent in the Water world, which was just a big pool, with slides to splash down in. I spent a couple of hours swimming there; that reminded me to get the swimming card at college. I just love swimming. Except for a couple of untoward incidents, the whole day was peaceful, and worth the day spent there.
Then we returned home, tired and exhausted.

For all those who did celeberate the day of colors, and for all those who sat at home brooding over it, my heartiest wishes to you all.

Posted by satosphere at 11:41 AM


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