I am the alpha and the omega
March 30, 2004
First Law of Bridge
It's always the partner's fault.

I am extremely grateful to Alexander Graham bell for his wonderful invention called the telephone, without which yesterday's very positive conversation with the professor from UT - Austin would never have been possible. And I am also very thankful to ARPAnet (I think) which is the foundations of the modern day internet without which students (including me) would have found it extremely difficult to apply for higher studies.
The point is, yesterday's telephonic conversation with the professor went very well (according to him). I wouldn't say so for myself. I had given him the timings of 9pm - midnite to call me up. And so we made all the calls we needed to make before 8pm itself!!!. I sat down at 8:30pm with all the necessary materials - my official letter of admission, some details about my project, the research work he is doing, some questions that I could ask him and all that. I was actually playing a game on the comp, with the telephone rite in front of me. I was actually so engrossed in the game, that I didnt notice the time fly by. I had also turned on the Air-Conditioner. Apart from being hot and sultry, my condition of Hyperhidrosis made me very sweaty, with my nervousness also playing its full part in it.
The phone rang around 10pm, the familiar long distance ring tone being the sharpest trigger in my mind at that time. And it was him!!!. He introduced himself, explained his research areas - including VLSI design, testability and fault tolerant computing. (I am sure half of the topics he mentioned would go over your head. It did over mine too, initially.) Then he said that two of his Ph.D students are finishing, and he wanted to fill the gap. He continued by asking what my research interests are? My hands were already on full blown sweating at that time (the AC being of no avail, except to chill me) and it curiously also started to sweat near my head and ear (where I was holding the phone) The most annoying thing was that it went into the speaker of the earpiece and created a lot of static and I couldnt hear properly (with his American accent also being slightly difficult to understand). Anyway, I continued on on my broad areas of research interest. And my commitment to do a Ph.D and all. He replied saying that he is willing to give me a Teaching Assistantship to fund my education there. He was particularly (I suppose) impressed with my scores (CGPA, which was pretty high.)
That went decent, I thought. Anyway - to a good nites sleep. The worst part was me not understanding his accent. At many times during the conversation, I had to make him repeat a lot of sentences. Watching n amount of F.R.I.E.N.D.S and an equal number (or more) of English movies does not seem to have helped at all. I seriously dunno what I am going to do
He did seemed to thought very good of me, for the next day, there was a mail from him staring at me, saying that
I have decided that I would like to offer you the position in my research group if you are interested. I am assuming you are seious about doing a Ph.D. You would get a TA position for the first year which would provide you with a salary and would cover your tuition and fees.

So there....I shall be sending my acceptance letter today or tomorrow. And I suppose that culminates my forays into the pursuits of gaining admission into Some good US university

Posted by satosphere at 8:49 AM


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