I am the alpha and the omega
April 30, 2004
Brown's Law of Business Success
Our customer's paperwork is profit. Our own paperwork is loss.

Well, first things first.
My exams are over.
No yeay and all that; as I had only three courses this semester, and only one tough one among all of them. Too bad, there is nothing like a true challenge nowadays. But I am still stuck up at college, as I have to do my project. The most major part, the Verilog coding, I have finished it, tested it, showed to my guide, who was happy and then now I am writing my report. 50 pages at that. And I have written a measly 26 pages till now, 3 Chapters that is. Still 4 more chapters and god knows how many pages more. But I'll finish it, I know. And hope to submit it by the 10th of May.
10th of May is incidentally the voting day here. And yours truly doesn't have a Voter ID. So I am going to do what I repeated to Shobhs. I will go there with my passport and if possible, my ration card, and if they dont allow me to vote, then its not my problem.
To continue on, many people complain that I am not updating as often.
Well it so happens that I follow a strict schedule. In the initial blog days, I put one post a day, as I had a lot of stuff to write about. Then it went down to once in 2 days, and now its once in three days. As time -> infinity, the gap between posts will surely increase, but wont stop altogether. I wont give up now, not after I lost Niharika to that. I will continue atleast until I put foot on Uncle Sam's land. And probably a few weeks after that. And then I will continue hoping that my studies will not be affected. But rest assured, I will update my blog twice a week in the upcoming hols.
I just read two Artemis Fowl books, written by Eoin Colfer. Actually, I read the first book and the second one - The Arctic Incident. For those not familiar with his genre of stories, it can be classified as the action of Tomb Raider, the magic of Harry Potter and the techs of James Bond all combined into one story, all combined to produce a marvellous fast paced resultant story. A must read for any Harry Potter lover and a welcome change for others.
To finish this post, I am very glad to say that, myself and my cousin are going to buy a comp on Monday, the 3rd of May, from the ever so famous Ritchie Street (well, its like the Lamington Road in Mumbai). Its a decent configuration, enough to suffice my gaming needs for two months, and the price does not burn a hole in your pocket. I am hoping my next post is from that comp.
To conclude, I am giving the aforementioned treat to my college friends, in celeberation of my successful application to higher studies. Its a huge contingent thats going there. Hope they dont get scared.
To finally wrap it up, I suggest that you people using yahoo messenger should download the Yahoo Messenger. It has a verypseud interface, just like MSN Messenger , and I was introduced to it, thanx to Neha.
Sianora People

Posted by satosphere at 6:03 AM


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