I am the alpha and the omega
May 19, 2004
Bus Transportation Laws

  1. The bus that left the stop just before you got there is your bus.
  2. The amount of time you have to wait for a bus is directly proportional to the inclemency of the weather.
  3. All buses heading in the opposite direction drive off the face of the earth and never return.
  4. The last rush-hour express bus to your neighborhood leaves five minutes before you get off work.
  5. Bus schedules are arranged so your bus will arrive at the transfer point precisely one minute after the connecting bus has left.
  6. Any bus that can be the wrong bus will be the wrong bus. All others are out of service or full.

Ahh. One of my more favorite laws. Any extra additions?

One important decision has been made by me that may or may not have far-reaching consequences in my life. I have postponed my VISA interview date to a very late July 12th from the original value of May 25th. The reasons are many-fold and so are its outcomes. This reason for this sudden, and what may otherwise seem utterly butterly ridiculous decision is solely the result of the bumbling Academic Section of the college.
Background check:
  1. The Academic Section is a kind of department that is responsible for collection of grades for all courses in the institute, give the respective grades to students, issue the grade cards, and other such silly miscellaneous, but nevertheless important stuff.
  2. A degree certificate is necessary before coming for the VISA interview in case of a student visa, and in my case, the B.Tech Degree Certificate. Now since I cannot have that certificate so soon (it is given durign the Convocation Ceremony), I am supposed to take what is called a Provisional Certificate, or if I am not able to furnish that, atleast a Course Completion Certificate which just shows I have completed all my courses.

Now, at present, I am extremely confident that the above-mentioned academic section wont even release the Provisional Certificate before the end of June (that came out of their own mouths) and the Course completion certificate before the end of may. So I cant go to the interview with nothing to prove that I have completed my degree, apart from word of mouth. So thanx to the supreme inefficiency that characterises the bumbling Academic Section (I am extremely morose even to use capital letters to address the Academic Section), I am forced to postpone it to the next available date in Chennai Consulate, which I luckily got on the 12th of July. (Would you believe it, even as I write this, the Consulate appointments are fully booked upto 22nd July - more than 2 months ahead).
I am still trying for earlier dates, between June 15th and July 10th. Will announce when I get it. But my flight, is mostly to be on the 6th of August, so there is enough of a leeway between, and I am confident that I would get a VISA. So that, hopefully, should not be a problem.
At present, I am extremely pissed off at myself, and am hanging in an extremely short thread of civility. Until I get dates between those two above, I guess I will be like this, but I dont want that to affect my blogging spirit.

Posted by satosphere at 8:59 AM


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