Butler's Law of Progress
All progress is based on a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income.
The days seem to fly by, an eternal second lost in the span of less than a day. A quagmire of profusingly confusing thoughts seem to gather more and more momentum as the days seem to go by.
When the hell am I going to learn cooking? Properly? When the hell am I going to drive the car? Confidently? On Chennai's busiest day, at the busiest time of the day, in the busiest road? When the hell am I going to go shopping to buy a huge number of clothing and other accessories, food stuffs and all?
When the hell am I going to realise that I would have to leave this country in 2 months? When the hell am I going to realise that I would have to live alone? For a very long time? When the hell am I going to realise that I am going to be missing a lot of people? Again for a very long time?
When the hell am I going to realise that I do not have enough time to finish playing all the games I have? (this one was an afterthought)
As more and more shades of answers turn up in the aimless brain of mine, I seem to have difficulty in keeping up with the times. No No, I am not going to stop blogging. Heavens sakes NO. I just seem to have some problems to overcome with a related activity - blog-hopping.
A couple of months ago, I had access to net 24 hours a day. High speed internet, just 5 minutes of cycling away. A dream. That now seems soo far away. Now, I have to battle my way to the computer, which seems to be occupied by my mom (chatting with dad in Kabul) or with my cowsins (who live nearby) checking their mails, or myself totally involved in playing one game or the other (My desire to blog Vs my passion to play games). And finally, after connecting, all I get is net, ironically at cycle speed, and much more costlier. Which limits my connection timings to the nite-time. And hence, I am forced by the BSNL to become an owl. Definitely, a modern-day burlesque of hell. That is probably a reason, many of you wont see me online @ day times.
I am not all that busy now, too many things happening in my life, to focus clearly on every little detail that rather seems to entwine with me.
One positively good factor - I managed to see Aaitha Ezhuthu. With a gang of cowsins. Next post probably