Bye's First Law of Model Railroading
Anytime you wish to demonstrate something, the number of faults is proportional to the number of viewers.
Bye's Second Law of Model Railroading
The desire for modeling a prototype is inversely proportional to the decline of the prototype.
Happy news.
I made my own Sambhar (with spinach). I ate it. And I survived.
I made my own Dhal. I ate it. And I survived.
I made my own curry (of Snake Gourd). I ate it. And I survived.
Well, here I am.
Did I promise a review of Aaitha Ezhuthu? I did, I suppose. But then, so many had written about that movie, that I decided not to venture into that movie, but rather, I will try to capture some quintessential points about that movie.
Madhavan did a superp job, though it pained me that he did not as
Maddy - the boy next door. His face suits that better. But, still he played his role to perfection. Same can be said of macho Surya, though that was the role he was designed to play. Siddharth (of Boys fame) did a good job, and it was a good transgression from his previous stint in Boys. The girls too did a good job, and I would rather not delve into the nitty-gritty details. And, of course, Bharathiraja, a great director himself, conjuring up macabre schemes is excellent stuff. What I judge of the story is my own opinion, and I would rather not discuss it here.
But what I did like about the movie, and what most did like were the songs. They were just too good. I still dont know whats stopping me from getting those songs. I could just listen to them again and again. Kudos to Rehman. And the song blend with the movie very well, even though they were not initially planned. I mean, its not like other movies, where the cast is suddenly transported to Switzerland or Himalayas in one dream-song sequence.
For all this, I am planning to go again. Anybody coming along?
I decided that I would give my pious side a visit again, by paying my due respects to the Lord of the Hills, the Lord of Tirupathi, that is, I mean Balaji. Will be heading there tomorrow morning, along with a gang of collegemates (9 to be precise). The actual reason for going there is a friend's
Upanayam (a religious
pooja, the exact details and reasons of which, I am not even sure of) for which he has cordially invited us. Besides, it is probably the last time, the Tam gumbal of our hostel may go together.
I will be back the day after tomorrow, evening. On the way tomorrow, I am also planning to go to
Koney Falls, for a little fun and frolic in the water, before we begin the arduous climb to the top - Tirumala (Oh yes, we are planning to climb, my third time). And while coming back, to another temple nearby, Thiruchanur, it is called.
So long now. Wish me a nice trip.
One thing that did spoil the weekend was that I could not meet
Shobha inspite of her being here. (The reason was very simple: There was not way to contact her)