I am the alpha and the omega
June 08, 2004
Camp's Law
A coup that is known in advance is a coup that does not take place.

So what happened at the Madras Blog Meet??? For the uninitiated, the blog meet was a place where bloggers from Chennai, of all ages were present. And unlike last time, it wasnt an affair of Gumbal Sundal and a lil bit of Bloggal. It was more of a spread-out in the spacious lawns of Amethyst, where Mocha had set up shop.
Not that we like its "deadly" coffee (yeah, it kills) or its insipid teas and juices or its "ooh aah" cost which could burn a hole in anyone's pockets and who charge just for sitting on a sofa inside. It was just its amazing ambience and environs. Its like being in a silent forest with a costly coffee shop nearby. (Jus like IIT, I must add).
You can understand when you see the pics here or here.

The meeting which started tangentially at 4:15 when Ravages and Divya honored their feet at that place, and officially when I met Dinesh (I, unfortunately didnt catch his URL. Never mind, I am not good at remembering details.)
Slowly, the other familiar faces from the last meet had come. There was Guru (yes, Guru, married, but present minus his wife), Anand (we still dont know what mdeii stands for), Pleomorphous present as the Oaf (He has been having a identity disorder, and morphs his name often), Sudhon (my classmate, or so I think), Nirenjan, Krishna (who was present in the last bloggers meet also), Kingsley (no bloggers meet is complete without him, though I must add that he was not complete himself that day) and a lot of new faces. There was AK, Kiruba (who was the official organiser), a venerable old blogger from the Railways, another blogger with the most prized possession: A Nokia NGAGE, a couple of others whose name i didnt get, and a couple more late comers (No blaming them). Alas the spy who blogged us last time wasnt present this time too.
After the initial round of a Iced tea (ostensibly, the welcom drink, and the only drink for the day), we got to chit-chatting. Some interesting anecdotes were quoted, some gossip passed around and some incidents from the last meet routed from the brain to the mouth. After most of them had settled in, the round of introductions went on, just as in the last meet. Simoultaneously, the NGAGE was passed around ceremoniously, like a piece of costly jewellery, lots of ooh's and aah's included. Followed by that was the quoting of incidents, that would not be otherwise put in blogs. Something to pep up the meeting, I presume.
The highlight of the meet, was the almost presidential speech given by the venerable old blogger (I still cant recall his name). Quite a lot of interesting stories rang to the air that time. And his passion in blogging was well explicated.
Time wore on, darkness set in (Can I help it?). The settling of dues was done in an informal manner. (I wished I didnt have to pay. Actually, that could have been feasible. Apparently, Sify had taken up such an interest in this meet that they wanted a write-up and pictures, so that they could put it up on their blogs pages as a sort of advertisement. Heck, we could have made them foot the bill had they asked earlier.)
As the time ticked on towards 7 pm, everybody got up, and started giving farewells. This process, surprisingly lasted a long while. Some email addresses and phone numbers exchanged, some url's swapped, some future meetings arranged and some happy byes passed on. And then everybody dispersed one by one, me being on of the last to leave at around 7:45 pm.

And so, the sun has set on another beautiful bloggers meet at Chennai. Will I be able to attend another one? Possibly. Will I be able to attend another one here? Thats an impossible question with a negative answer. Probably my next meet will be in Austin, who knows.

Posted by satosphere at 11:44 AM


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