I am the alpha and the omega
June 22, 2004
Chappaquidick Theorem
The sooner and in more detail you announce the bad news, the better.

The VISA Interview

Weeks of preparation, kilometers of roaming around to gather the required documents, loads of energy spent with my college to get the required certificates, and what finally happened was an anticlimax.
I mean, they didnt ask any of the financial documentation which I had prepared (rather my cousin prepared), they didnt look at any of the other stuff which I had lugged around there, they didnt bother to ask me how I am going to fund my studies, about my intention to come back.
Nothing important, in that interview which would have lasted a minute and a half, and would have put all other job interviews too to shame.
As I approached the booth:
Me: Good morning, Sir. It was still the morning, luckily
Visa Officer: Can you hand me your token?
Me: Yes Sir, here it is.Hand over a superfluous token
VO: So which University are you heading to?
Me: Normal Question.University of Texas at Austin.
VO: So thats the UT Austin.Duh... How many universities did you apply?
Me: 10 Sir.
VO: What did you get?
Me: Rice university, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Washington, and then this, Sir.
VO: Why did you select this University?
Me: Standard Question. Well Defined answer too. It has a good track record and lots of research work being done here in this field.
VO: So the other Universities are not good?
ME: Fumble a bit. It is also better ranked. Whats wrong with me? Wouldnt it have been easier to just say "Seniors said so, Sir".
VO: Oh. Whats its ranking?
Me: 9th Sir. Why does he need all this?
VO: How do you know? Which ranking?
Me: That has got to be a totally unrelated question. I got it from the US NEWS ranking, Sir
VO: So this is the first time you are applying for a VISA?
Me: Cool, at last. Yes, Sir.
VO: You will get your visa soon.

Tada. Thats it.
That was what I had to slog for so many days.
I had actually met the VO before. A couple of weeks back, US consulate had conducted an outreach programme for those applying for student visa. Though it was no more than a publicity stunt for gathering more students to apply, it was this same guy who had compered it.
He didnt recognise me, but I did. Immediately. As soon as I had entered the hall.

The most difficult part of the entire interview process is that, the interviews takes place right in front of everybody's eyes, who are sitting in hundreds in a huge hall, one side lined up with the boots of the Interviewers.
And you have to see the people being rejected. Sometimes it was just a spree. Heavy pleading did not help.
But luckily, I got mine.
Apparently, for IITians, all the interviews seem to last like this only.
Probably the result of 2 years of slogging for JEE and 4 years at IIT.
Anyway, thats one block that I have passed. More important problems lie ahead.

P.B.: Thanx to all those who wished.

Posted by satosphere at 12:34 PM


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