Chases Laws of Car Repairs- Leakproof seals- will.
- Self starters -won't.
- Interchangeable parts-won't.
- Any tool dropped while repairing a car will roll underneath to the exact center.
- After you have repaired it yourself you will have one small part left over that doesn't go anywhere.
- Every automobile comes with a built in abyss which things that you have dropped fall into, never to be seen again.
School Reunion
The title above, reflects what the most important event of my otherwise extremely "buzy" life is all about. That I blog everyday shows how "overworked" I really am.
While the point that I arrived at 2:50pm at my old school for the 3 pm meet should not be dusted under the rug, it did seem funny that everybody else wanted to prove that Indian time is IST + 1 hour; all of them honored the occasion by arriving beyond 4 only. The latest entry was at 4:30pm. (that being your highness
Sudhon himself).
Some old memories relieved, some interesting anecdotes passed, some old classrooms revisited, some phone numbers exchanged, some news updated, some snaps taken and finally "some" migration to Beasant Nagar beach.
The only worthwile thing done there was nothing other than
some old memories relieved, some interesting anecdotes passed..... You get the idea.
After this exercise for the mouth, some decided to give equal weightage to the stomach, by eating.
Including me. Besides why would I say no to a Mushroom and Veg Sub.?
That done, there were some pleasant partings, and your highness returned home.
The entire gang there.
Well, almost the entire gang. Not everybody had arrived.
The old gang at the old classroom where we had studied.
The people in this: L-R, Front to back
Ramji, Prassana;
Nithyanandan, Neelakanthan;
Sudhon, Siddharth, Sandeep.
So long folks.
Take care.