Chisholm's Second Law
When things are going well, something will go wrong.
1.When things just can't get any worse, they will.
2.Anytime things appear to be going better, you have overlooked something.
I seem to have missed the first law of that guy's somewhere
The problem with HIJKLMNO
Somehow, the above laws seem appropriate to the current situation.
Already the summer is so hot; so hot, that Martians would think that this place is in Mercury. To add to that, the humidity is so high that it is impossible to avoid a sweat even standing a minute outside.
Just when you think it cant get any worser, there comes the problem of the acute water (H20 - HIJKLMNO) scarcity in this city
The rains seem to have forgotten that this city exists in the map of India totally (
Selective Amnesia ???? But then again, they do it every year consistently).
And to keep up with the incessant water needs, the ground water table has also
kept going down at a constant rate.
And in my place, it has gone far past the grapples of the current bore well that we are having. (Somehow the trees here are able to reach the water table - do they have magical roots???)
So to contend with the water problem, we have ended up buying water for the apartment of 6 flats.
Then came the new problem.
The residents are so greedy that the water in a full tank gets gobbled up in less than a day.
So another regulation.
It comes only for 10 minutes everyday.
So you think that mite be ok. U can catch all the water you want.
And probably one person can have a shower in that time.
But Wait.
It gets worse. (But how could it get worse, one may ask. Just remember the Laws stated above).
It comes in only one tap.
For ten minutes only.
In that we have to catch enuf water for washing clothes, bathing, washing dishes, handwashes, the loos and every other damn small thing.
So how do we manage?
Actually, we just about manage.
We catch that water into an 80 litre bucket. And after that gets filled, its again Rush-Rush-Rush to get 4 other smaller buckets filled followed by washing of dishes if the water still comes.
One of those buckets for washing clothes. 2 other for bathing and the third is for general washing.
We seem to have managed so for. And I dont know how long I can tolerate that.
But things do seem to get better. There are plans to sink another bore into the Planet that is Earth. That will hopefully solve this icky problem
And probably, I can forget all this when I leave India.
Thats another month though.