Clarke's First Law
When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong.
Corollary (Asimov)
When the lay public rallies round an idea that is denounced by distinguished but elderly scientists, and supports that idea with great fervor and emotion -- the distinguished but elderly scientists are then, after all, right.
Clarke's Second Law
The limits of the possible can only be defined by going beyond them into the impossible.
Clarke's Third Law
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.
Walker's Delite
The Sunday, which went past, brought me irresistably to the Thiruvanmiyur beach.
Attracted by the sweet smell of success of going there, BY CYCLE, I hopped on on what was to be a very LONG journey, lasting 45 minutes from my place.
Absorbed by the fables I heard about it as being a very secluded shopless beach, I managed to pull myself out of the bed (with a small thanx owed to the blood-suckers king: mosquito) at an unearthly hour of 5:30, and landed there at the beach by 6:30.
A half hour of walk there, cool breeze, hot sun, cool sand, hot body, cool water, hot thirst, cooled my senses irrevocably.
And soothed my painful calfs.
And made me ready for the return journey.
Thiruvanmaiyur Beach. No frills. No bills. Pure walk. Pure exercise.
This place is a pure walker's delite. Azure blue sky, clear waters, beautiful houses apart, the secluded, unknown to many, known to a few, shop-less (fish-stall-less,
bajji-stall-less, corn-stall-less, ice-cream-stall-less, shooting-practice-stall-less, balloon-stall-less), plastic-less, traffic-less beach is a perfect location for walking.
Marina beach: too crowded. too polluted.
Elliots beach: too crowded. too small.
Thiruvanmaiyur beach: empty. small. but not crowded.
A beautiful sea-side brick house by the beach
Next time, you want to go to a beach, but want to get away from it all, but still want to stay in the city, try this one. Its too good.
A tree-lined road in Thiruvanmaiyur.
From an ant's perspective!
Care to guess the road's name?