Czecinski's Conclusio
There is only one thing worse than dreaming you are at a conference and waking to find that you are at a conference, and that is the conference where you can't fall asleep.

Halo 2. The game of my dreams.
Atleast when its PC version releases.
Today, the
Texas Gaming Association was having a
Console nite at the
Jester LanCave, a place which I frequent once a fortnight to satiate my hunger for gaming. True, I was disappointed tonite as I could not get to play anything because of this event (Ironically, I wanted to play
Halo. ) But, this was a much better bargain.
NEWS Flash
Halo 2 opens with record one day sales
Halo 2 US sales top $125m, UK launch a success
With reviews just coming out, I decided to give a watch to this epic game, albeit the console based one. I am not a console fan. Never played on one. But just watching four people on a huge HDTV battle against each other in surreal environments blows my mind off.
Its a game impossible not to like.
Its a game like no other.
I am still awaiting the day of my own
Or the PC version of the game.