Davidson's Maxim
Democracy is that form of government where everybody gets what the majority deserves.
Thank you for all your wishes for the exams, and sharing my sleep deprivation with me.
All that is over now, and is now in the past, and I am running like the wind, or as fast as the wind can carry me, into the future.
Christmas, and New Year. Here I come.
The weather has definitely been better for the past week - it has been a mild 20 C, with a few showers now and then, making late nite (or too early for the next day) walks at 3 am seemingly much less painful. No snow yet. It never snows in Austin, atleast during December. Thats what I am told. This mild weather seems to have produced a sort of spring bloom in the apartment garden - check
Misc Shots at my yahoo photos.
There are also some shots of the
Capitol and the
Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum.
I also went to
Ocean's Twelve with some of my friends yesterday.
First day, first show at that.
And while I haven't seen Ocean's Eleven, I must say that the second half of the movie was a bit painful to watch. It was just a visual collage of images, haphazardly put to depict a motion picture. I wish it could have been done better. Hoping to see Ocean's Eleven today.
Christmas is approaching. People have started decorating houses - some of them are quite amazing. Over the next few days, I plan to get lots of shots of these and put them up here. So wait on.
Meanwhile here are some more shots (9 actually) I got from last week, while I was busy doing the project and trying not to sleep.

Gobi Mutter Curry - thanx to recipe books brought from India.

One half of the
class I am TAing - on a busy day.

freezer during one of the busy nites - one of the nites that I did not sleep.
The computer with the blue desktop on the bottom left was where I was sitting.

The Gregory Gymnasium - which I occasionally visit.
It was very poorly lit at that time, and I had to take a 3 second exposure - thats why its so blurry.

Main UT Tower (37 floors high) Lit Red and showing 04 signifying the graduation ceremony last Saturday.
This too had a longer exposure - so its blurry.

Another angle of the
UT Tower - this too is blurry for the same reason.
It was a very long exposure - notice that the streetlights are green and the black sky is magenta.
JC Penny - a mega department store - and Christmas trees at that place.

Another Christmas tree there. Nicely decorated.

I guess I am obsessed with this shot.
This is the third in the series, with the longest exposure that I have used = 4 seconds.