I am the alpha and the omega
December 29, 2004
First Law of Debate
Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.

North-East USA Trip - II

Baltimore - Your Experience Starts Here

While the capital of Maryland does sound interesting to the average traveller, be warned - the cold does not. Its location at the head of the Chesapeake bay certainly does not help it get warm weather. During winter atleast. It certainly freezed my arm the minute I tried to take a couple of snaps. Without gloves, my hands would have had to be amputated within 5 minutes of exposure.

But certainly that does not deter me, the more than average tourister. Two train rides from my place in the usually empty MARC Commuter trains followed by the slower-than-the-average-tram Light Rail of Baltimore landed me near the harbor of Baltimore, its downtown business district and main tourist attraction center.

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The main harbor looking into the bay. The aquaruim is seen in the center.

The main attraction is, of course, the aquarium in the picture above.Its certainly its moneys worth. And is probably the biggest attraction there yet, and if you include the dolphin show, which runs packed nowadays, nothing can beat it.

From the hot tropical waters, to the sweaty marshes, to the humid rainforest, to the frozen wastes of the tundra, to the mysterious depths of the oceans and barren wastes of the sea, it has everything. I wouldnt do justice to it, if I put pictures of it. I would rather, if you get the chance to be somewhere in Northeast USA, to go pay a visit this aquarium. Be prepared to spend a whole day in it.

Apart from the scores of aquatic life expected of an aquarium, vis a visthe regular tanks, a huge pool of rays, sharks, it also has an amazing tropical rainforest and the big dolphin pool, where the dolphin show is being conducted.

Two of the many dolphins there, making faces at the audience.

The arctic tundra exhibit showcased the Puffins, a mysterious flying bird which you would feel that it escaped from a circus a long time before evolution had its effect.

Here ye, Here ye.Meet the puffins - at the Baltimore Aquarium.

Did I mention marshes and everything. Well, here it is through a fish's eye. Of course, a fish can't see in color, but since you all can. I AM putting in color.

An aquatic marsh, from below the water.

Of course, the rainforest which I mentioned above.

Two tropical birds in a large greenhouse at the top of the aquarium.

What else is there, you ask? There is lot more to see - the downtown district is pretty vibrant, and you can just take a nice stroll around the place, enjoying it during the summer and winter holidays alike.

Santa's place - a beautifully decorated place serving snacks, right on the harbor.

And if you are interested enough, with loads of cash, you can of course take the Acela, the American Equivalent of the TGV to get to New York or Washington.

The Acela express, waiting at the Union Station in DC.

Coming up next : The Smithsonian museum of Natural History, uh... after I have finished seeing it completely.

Posted by satosphere at 9:55 PM


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