Demian's Observation
There is always one item on the screen menu thatis mislabeled and should read "`Abandon all hope Ye who enter here".
The beach - that I loved forever
Those early summer and winter mornings. When I used to vigorously cycle, pardon me, bike to the beaches. In sun or rain, in heat or cold, I used to land up there on the shore. Playing games with the waves. Lapping the cool water with a warm heart. With rakish crows and darty crabs, blue sea and orange dawn to give company. And a good breeze to lift you by.
I can't believe that it is those same waves and that same ocean has wreaked havoc on unsuspecting people. Little unsuspecting people against the terror of an
earthquake and the might and fury of a
tsunami. Those little one and a half lakh people, whose life has been mercilessly taken away.
I can't believe that the place which I cherished the most in Chennai, the place which I saw for the last time in Chennai will be a memorial, a memorial in memory of a those little unsuspecting people,
an immortal memorial in memory of mortals.
It will take a lot to take those bruises on the beach. Probably never will.
It will take a lot to wipe out those tears of the people who have lost someone they loved. Probably never will
It will take a lot to
unremember the memory of that day. That day when the forces of nature decided to play dominoes with CIVILIZATION. Probably never will