Diogenes's First Dictum
The more heavily a man is supposed to be taxed, the more power he has to escape being taxed.
This is a story of a bus.
A spanky brand new
Capital Metro bus on the Route that takes me from my home to the Campus/Library/Department/Gym
etcetra, etcetra, etcetra.
True, I could not get a picture of it from the outside - as , Duh, I was travelling in the bus, and they wouldnt stop for frivolous matters such as me wanting to take a photo and all. After all, who can blame them, they have schedules to keep.
What I liked about the bus was the delicious curvy interiors and a soft female voice announcing the timepoints and important intersections. And what I liked about it more was Stop Buttons instead of a chain - which would have to be pulled in order to request a stop at a bus stop. (Yes, it wont stop unless you request it to. Haughty, isn't it, but another time saving measure.) The point was that, that Stop button looked awfully familiar to
London Buses.
(And no, no. I havent been to London. Yet.)

A view from inside the bus while it was waiting at a light at around 6:30 in the evening while it was travelling on the main road near the campus.