Doc's Laws of Automotive Repair
1. If you can reach the faulty part, you don't have the tool to get it off.
2. Quality is inversely proportional to the time left to complete the job.
3. If it jams-force it. If it breaks, it needed replacing anyhow.
Republic Day Special
It is not often that one gets to hear the chimes from the
Carillon at the
UT Tower (pictures found in previous posts). These beautiful ten minute long Carillon chimes are usually lost in the murky white noise that envelops the everyday urban environment (or - people talking on cellphones, vehicles honking and moving, generators running, etc.)
It was a real surprise, when suddenly, out of this chaos, I could hear faint clanging bells, producing a tune that registered somewhat, only slightly, in my mind; the faint tunes of
Jana Gana Mana. And then, there I was, trying to stand in attention among of group of non-sensical people, who considered that act, rather illogical.
But it was a real surprise for me - to hear those forlorn tunes after such a long time. Evoking nostalgic feelings.
Must have been the
ICA which requested that.
It also reminded me to wish you a
Good Republic Day