Donsen's Law
The specialist learns more and more about less and less until, finally, he knows everything about nothing; whereas the generalist learns less and less about more and more until, finally, he knows nothing about everything.

Is this cabbage?
Is this cabbage?
One mite argue.
You mite even go to the extent of saying that this is beetroot.
I beg to differ. This is cabbage. Because cabbage is what I cut. One whole cabbage taking an entire hour to cut. And equally difficult to cook because of the quantity of cabbage.
The surprising thing about this cabbage is its color. I have never seen one like this. So when my eyes rested on this one at the local
grocery store last Sunday, it immediately went into the cart. And I was looking forward (and trying to get time to cut and cook this monstrosity) to making it. It actually required two
kadais / karahis of the same size as above to make it. Cabbage, of course, shrinks a lot while cooking.
Another thing that took me back was when I packed some of it and had it for lunch four hours later. It had transformed from this color to the color of the
Royal Blue Ink. Luckily, it doesnt spoil that fast.
So much for cabbages.