I am the alpha and the omega
June 02, 2005
Extended Epstein-Heisenberg Principle
In an R & D orbit, only 2 of the existing 3 parameters can be defined simultaneously. The parameters are: task, time, and resources ($).

1. If one knows what the task is, and there is a time limit allowed for the completion of the task, then one cannot guess how much it will cost.

2. If the time and resources ($) are clearly defined, then it is impossible to know what part of the R & D task will be performed.

3. If you are given a clearly defined R & D goal and a definte amount of money which has been calculated to be necessary for the completion of the task, one cannot predict if and when the goal will be reached.

4. If one is lucky enough to be able to accurately define all three parameters, then what one is dealing with is not in the realm of R & D.

Movie Chain

Following Blythe's suggestion of chain blogs for movies, here is my contribution.
  • Films I own: NONE.
    While that may seem as a surprise to you, it is not to me; the reasoning is quite simple - I end up renting most of the movies, and so I don't own any movie, nor do I have any illegally stored one (I do not have a computer yet). True, while in India, I had quite a few movies on DVD's, but I dumped all of them before coming here - you do not want to be caught at the US Customs with a pirated DVD. All I managed to squeeze through was the entire collection of F.R.I.E.N.D.S which I still preserve carefully.

  • Last Film I rented: Lord of the Rings - Extended edition of 5 DVD's. Last film I bought / illegally borrowed - NONE.

  • Five Films that mean a lot to me

    1. LOTR: I love the entire trilogy. Nothing can beat it. As plain and simple as that. Inspite of the fact that it doesnt follow the original story perfectly. (I know that because I have seen the movies twice and have fastidiously read the book twice). The sheer brilliance of Peter Jackson in porting such a mighty novel as this into an amazing adventurous movie is extremely commendable.

    2. Independence Day: Admit it - it is one of the few movies that really hit off quite well. And for 1996 movie, its graphics and cinematography is quite good. And who can't love the wisecracks of Will Smith and his sidekick-like Jeff GoldBlum. I still wouldn't mind watching it again

    3. Finding Neverland: One of the very few dramas that actually inspired me a lot, and took me to the edge of tears. Johnny Depp's acting is quite amazing, proving that he is quite versatile. And the story is quite good.

    4. Shrek: Among animated films, this is a rare gem. It combines action, comedy and voice-overs in a quite unique way to make every viewer laugh. It was a tough call between Shrek, Finding Nemo and The Incredibles; nevertheless, Shrek deserves it.

    5. Pirates of the Caribbean: This one probably has the best of all - Comedy, Action, Adventure, Beautiful islands with golden sands and sparkling waters and beautiful gals (make it Gal) - what more could you want. It even has lot of ghosts, for crying out loud. I still love it, and am eagerly awaiting its sequel, due next year.

  • Other Hot favorites:

    • Comedy: Finding Nemo, Shrek 2, Bedazzled, Mummy, Mummy2 (Ok, they are action too), Bruce Almightly, Me Myself & Irene, Hitch, The Mask, The Runaway Bride.

    • Action / Adventure : Terminator 2, Terminator 3, Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Revenge of the Sith, X-Men, Black Hawk down - No Man Left Behind, Die Hard (II).

    More are there in the back of my memory, but they would take some time to drill 'em out of there.

  • List of other people whom I want to write one:: Sidharth, Saumya, Twin Gemini, Neha and Sirpy.

Wondering why there are no Indian movies in there? Yeah - I do not watch many of them, and I was only impressed by quite a few - Thiruda Thiruda (Tamil), Ayutha Ezhuthu, to mention a few. No Hindi films, of course.
And wondering why there are action films which have a lot of actions - well I am inspired a lot by these kind of movies - for the same reason that I like FPS games.

My next post, probably on eating the Worlds Spiciest Ham Veggie Burger

Posted by satosphere at 7:09 PM


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