Flagle's Law of the Perversity of Inanimate Objects (Flap's Law)Any inanimate object, regardless of its composition or configuration, may be expected to perform at any time in a totally unexpected manner, for reasons that are either entirely obscure or else completely mysterious.
Google TalkOver the nite, google introduced a
slew of services, aimed at cutting into the pie now owned by Microsoft and Yahoo.
Gmail officially opened to everyone yesterday (everyone in the US with a phone atleast). Its no longer "invite only". A direct competition to Hotmail and Yahoo mail
Google Talk, a messenger service rivalling windows messenger and yahoo messenger. Though with not that many features, it does have an intuitive interface. Havent used it much, since I had only a couple of people in the contact list.
Desktop 2, a kind of integreted search service, offering a lot of miscellaneous stuff apart from just a search, and definitely a memory hogger!!!.
As I mentioned before, it is targeting into markets were traditionally not where its speciality was. Are all these applications cooked by the chefs inside Google on their way to making the purported
Google OS?
And what about Google being the Gentle Giant now with its policy of
Do No Evil. As it develops more and more applications to compete with other companies and as other companies become afraid of its power and its ability to push around.
Is it Google's Turn to be a villain (Free registration required)